Tuesday, 23 April 2013

Final Music Video

This is my finished and completed music video. This much better quality than my drafts and I am overall very pleased with how it turned out.


  1. Siiiiick one man ;D
    I love the video effects you've added, they really make it fit even better into the Genre. Congratulations ;)
    P.s. 1080p SON!

  2. Hey Corey,
    Love your video its so good, I like the editing and effects Your main singer was really good I acually believed he was singing. well done!

  3. This is a really good video! I loved the lighting effects, it really helped me recognize the genre of the video. The editing kept me interested in the video as well. You had some really interesting panning shots as well which highlighted the focus on the main singer which was great. Well done!!

  4. Aidan Mooney - The video is great, I love the pace of editing and the use of visual effects on the video. Well done!

  5. Dan Slater - A lot of the shots have a really good look to them and are quite creative. I especially like the colour change on the snare close ups and the mirrored images of the singer. Great Music Video overall!

  6. Matthew Thomas - i LOVED THE EFFECTS USED ON THE VIDEO! especially the way when the beat of the drums blurs the picture out shortly. I think this is really clever and effective!
