Thursday, 25 October 2012

Music Album Magazine Advert Inspiration

In lesson today my teacher let me cut out some pages from 'Q' Magazine, to see what music album adverts look like and what I should model mine off. This has given me some inspiration and in the short coming days I will experiment with photoshop and other similar editing software to recreate the effect that professional adverts look like.

Diary 25/10/2012

Today I have been looking at music album adverts from magazine pages. I did this in order to get an idea of what to make mine look like. This also enabled me to decifer what is classed as 'cliche' and what is not, therefore I should not make any mistakes when creating my magazine advert.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Record Label Research

Record Label

Diary 18/10/12

I realized recently that my music video is not prop heavy, it will largely rely on the ability of the performers to make  it look authentic. This should not be too hard as my performers are both music artists and accomplished performers in their own right. Also, the effectiveness of my music video will depend on the quality and variety of shot angles I use and how good my video editing is. To ensure my skills are the best they can be, I have been practicing signature shot angles that are common in hip-hop music videos by using the high quality camera built into my phone (Samsung Galaxy S3).

Thursday, 11 October 2012

Resource Update: Chest Mount

Today in media, my teacher suggested I use the chest mount that a previous media student built themselves, to give my music video a certain edge and to make it look more authentic. Also he suggested to use the fish eye lens which will create some cool effects.

Diary 11/10/2012

Today our teacher posted an evaluation of our blogs so far telling us what we have and haven't done. This is indicated by a green 'y' or a red 'n'. I took a picture so I can refer back and see what I need to work on next. I have a lot of red 'n's, but this is because the majority of the blog posts I have done are not part of the syllabus.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Music Video Actors

To make sure my music video comes out as authentic as possible, I thought long and hard about the people I would have portray a 3-man band for my music video. Each member had to fit a certain person and look the part.
Lead Singer/Guitarist - George Blower
I have chosen George to be my lead singer because, he is/was part of a band and was the lead singer for them. Therefore, portraying a 'believable' lead singer will not take any practice runs. It will come and look natural. Also he plays guitar as a hobby, this would make the guitar playing more authentic. Lastly, he has the kind of appearance suited to the voice of the lead singer in 'Get Back' by Nine Lashes.

Drummer - Max Dowling
I chose Max as the drummer for similar reasons. He drums as a hobby and will give my video that much more of an authentic feel.

Bass Guitar - Matthew Thomas
Lastly, I chose Matthew to portray the lead base guitarist. While he does not play the instrument, he fits the appearance criteria linked to genre of music my video is related to. He also took drama as a A-level subject, therefore, I trust that he will be able to act out playing the guitar authentically and not harming my project.

Thursday, 4 October 2012

Digi-pak Cover Effect (Practice)

The album cover at the top is an official one for a famous artist. The image at the bottom is my attempt at creating the comic book affect used in that album cover. This was merely practice and not the picture I intend to use for my digi-pak.

Location Selection 2: Urban Area

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Diary 02/10/12

Today I have officially started my possible location shooting. I have uploaded two of the possible locations I plan to shoot my music video at. The pictures were taken at night, this is because some of the scenes of my music video will be shot at night.

Location Selection 1: Restaurant/Hybrid Restaurant

I have currently been scouting for a restaurant or hybrid restaurant (specialized restaurants) to use in one of the scenes of my music video. So far I have come up with two possible locations that I haven't yet decided from above are pictures of them. Also I am always looking out for new locations so these may change at a later date.